1. Event Layout Version

Enter a value that indicates the Event layout version for EPEC contingencies. The value for this field is the value entered in the processing option Layout Version Number for the NF-e Info Generation UBE (R76B561), in the section Default.

2. Receptor Organization Code

Enter a code from the NFe IBGE UF Code (76B/UF) UDC table to specify the federation unit of the receiving organization. The system displays the information in the Description02 field of the UDC value selected. If you do not complete this processing option, the system uses the value 91 (national).

3. Event Type

Select a valid code from the Event Type UDC table (76B/TE) that indicates the event type for EPEC contingencies. If you do not complete this processing option, the system uses the value 110140 (EPEC).

4. Event Version

Enter a value that indicates the event version for EPEC contingencies for Brazil. SEFAZ (Brazil' s fiscal authority) uses this information to validate the group detEvento.

5. Contingency Author Type

Select a valid code from the EPEC Contingency Author Type UDC table (76B/TA) that identifies the author type for EPEC contingencies when reporting NFe information to the Brazilian fiscal authority. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the code 1 (Issuing company).

6. Author Application Version

Enter a value that indicates the version of the application that generates the record or event for EPEC contingencies. Enter a value that identifies the organization.

7. Minimum Amount to Inform Consumer's Tax ID

Enter the amount that the system uses as the minimum total value to report the consumer's tax ID (CNPJ/CPF) and State when working with EPEC contingencies for NFC-e.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses R$10000.