FCI Text Files

You must include in some fiscal documents information about the imported content for certain transactions involving the interstate sales of goods with imported content. Because the ICMS tax rate differs depending on the import content, you must maintain information about each items's origin and import content.

You must also include in certain fiscal documents and reports the FCI (Content Import Form) number for imported products that are subject to industrial processing. You obtain the FCI number by submitting a text file with item and fiscal classification information to SEFAZ. The SEFAZ returns a file to you with the FCI number for your items. You then add the FCI numbers to your item and item/branch records so that the numbers can be included in documents and reports as required.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software for Brazil includes programs that you use to generate text files to send to SEFAZ, review text files, and upload the FCI numbers provided to you by SEFAZ.