Fields and Validations for Service Transactions

The system uses the value in the Transaction Nature field on the P.O. Header Brazilian Add Information form to determine if the purchase order is for goods or services. If the purchase order is for services, the City field must be completed. The system uses a default value from the F00092 table if you associated a city code to the supplier's address book record. If no city code is associated with the supplier's address book record, you must manually complete the City field. The system displays an error message if you fail to complete the City field.

If no errors occur, the system displays the P.O. Detail Brazilian Add Information form when you click OK on the P.O. Header Brazilian Add Information form. The system uses the default values that you associated with the supplier's address book record if you set up the ISS withholding information for the supplier. If default values are not available, you must manually complete the fields.

The system uses the values that you set up in the Service Type Code program (P76B408) and Service Fiscal Code program (P76B405) to complete additional required fields.

The system displays error messages if you do not complete the required fields.