Fiscal Codes - IPI (76B/CW)

You assign a value from the 76B/CW UDC table when you work with notas fiscais for goods. You add values for the special handling code to the values that you set up for notas fiscais. You obtain the values for the Special Handling Code field from the government. The system uses the values in this UDC table to determine the value to write to register C170, field 20 (CST_IPI) and register E510, field 3 (CST_IPI) of the XML file that you generate for SPED Fiscal reporting. When you generate the XML file, the system writes a value from the Special Handling Code field that is associated with the code that you assigned to the transaction.

The system writes the first two characters of the value in the Special Handling Code field to the XML file for purchase transactions, and writes characters 4 and 5 to the XML file for sales transactions. Note that character 3 (blank) is not used in the XML file.

You must set up these codes and special handing codes:


Description 01

Description 02

Special Handling Code



With tax

00 50


Not taxable

Without tax

03 53



Without tax

49 99


Reduced IPI (Taxable/Exempts)

With and without tax

02 52


Reduced IPI (Taxable/Others)

With and without tax

04 54