Forms Used to Enter Receipts and Add Nota Fiscal Information for Brazil

Form Name

Form ID



Work With Purchase Orders to Receive


Purchase Order Processing - Brazil (G76B4311), Enter Receipts by PO

Review and select from existing purchase orders.

Purchase Order Receipts


Select a purchase order on the Work With Purchase Orders to Receive form, and click Select.

Select the line that includes the items to receive.

You can make adjustments to the details of the line.

Nota Fiscal Revisions


Select a purchase order line on the Purchase Order Receipts form and click OK.

Enter information about the nota fiscal, such as the nota fiscal type, number, and issue date.

Work With Nota Fiscal Headers


Purchase Order Processing - Brazil (G76B4311), Nota Fiscal Inquiry

Work with headers for notas fiscais.

Nota Fiscal Header Revision


Select a record on the Work With Nota Fiscal Headers form, and then select Header Revision from the Row menu.

Make revisions to inbound nota fiscal header information.

Nota Fiscal Detail Revision


Select a record on the Work With Nota Fiscal Headers form, and then select Detail Revisions from the Row menu.

Make revisions to inbound nota fiscal detail information.