Forms Used to Generate a Correction Letter for a Nota Fiscal

Form Name

Form ID



Work With Fiscal Books Next Number


Brazilian Localization Setup (G76B41B), Next Number - Fiscal Books

Review and select existing records.

Fiscal Books Next Number Revision


On the Work With Fiscal Books Next Number form, click Add.

Associate report type CC (correction letter) to the company.

Media Object Viewer


On the Work With Fiscal Books Next Number form, select a record for which the report type is CC and select Opening Statement or Closing Statement from the Row menu.

Click OK on the message box for creating an opening statement.

Click the Text button.

Enter text that you want to appear before the detail portion of the corrections when you select Opening Statement. Enter the text that you want to appear after the detail portion of the corrections when you select Closing Statement.

Work With Nota Fiscal Headers


Purchase Order Processing - Brazil (G76B4311), Nota Fiscal Inquiry

Work with nota fiscal headers.

Nota Fiscal Check


Select a record on the Work With Nota Fiscal Headers form, and then select Close Nota Fiscal from the Row menu.

Perform nota fiscal tasks.

Printer Selection


On the Nota Fiscal Check form, select Correction Letter from the Form menu.

Select the report output destination.