Forms Used to Set Up Judicial Processes and Relationships

Form Name

Form ID



Work With Judicial Processes


On the Brazilian Localization Setup menu (G76B41B) or on the Stand Alone Nota Fiscal - Brazil menu (G76B4321), select Judicial Processes.

Review or select judicial process ID numbers.

Judicial Processes Revision


Click Add on the Work With Judicial Processes form.

Set up judicial information.

Work With Judicial Process Relationships


In the Nota Fiscal Maintenance program (P7610B), access the Work With Nota Fiscal Headers form (W7610BG). Select a record and select Judicial Processes from the Row menu.

In the Stand Alone Nota Fiscal program (P7611B), navigate to the Work With Stand Alone NF Header form (W7611BA). Select a record and select Judicial Processes from the Row menu.

Review or select judicial process relationships.

Judicial Process Relationship Revisions


On the Work With Judicial Process Relationship form, click Add.

Create relationships between nota fiscais and judicial processes.