Forms Used to Work with Export Information

Form Name

Form ID



Work With Nota Fiscal Headers


Sales Order Processing - Brazil (G76B4211), Nota Fiscal Inquiry - Header Browse

Review and select NFe records.

Nota Fiscal Header Revision


  • Select a record and click Select.

  • On the Work With Nota Fiscal Headers form, select Header Revision from the Row menu.

Set up export information.

Work with Stand Alone Nota Fiscal Header


Stand Alone Nota Fiscal - Brazil (G76B4321), Stand Alone Nota Fiscal - Outbound

Review and select standalone nota fiscal records.

Nota Fiscal Header Revision


  • Select a record and click Select.

  • On the Work with StandAlone Nota Fiscal Header form, select Header Revision from the Row menu.

Set up export information.

Note: The system displays the Export Information tab only when the ship to country is different from the fiscal company country and the transaction is outbound.