Freight Indicator (76B/FO) (Release 9.2 Update)

The last version of the document "Guia Practico da EFD" (version 2.0.5), published by fiscal authority CONFAZ, specifies a change in the values of the Freight Indicator field (IND_FRT) that is considered in the block C. This change is effective as of 01/01/2012.

To comply with this requirement, you must update the Description 2 of UDC 76B/FO, which is the actual value retrieved from the Nota Fiscal Freight Handling Code and used to complete the SPED text file.

Beginning in January, 2012, the values (including number and text) must be updated to:

  • 0- Por conta do emitente;

  • 1- Por conta do destinatário/remetente;

  • 2- Por conta de terceiros;

  • 3- Transporte Proprio por conta do Remetente

  • 4- Transporte Proprio por conta do Destinatario

  • 9- Sem cobrança de frete.