
1. Company

Specify the company number for which you want to generate the DIRF report.This field refers to the legal company, so if there are subsidiaries associated to the company in the Company Constants program (P76B010) they are also included in the report. You use data selection to obtain results for a specific subsidiary.

2. Year of Reference

Specify the year in which you are generating the report. You must complete this processing option with a four-digit value (for example 2012).

3. Fiscal Year

Specify the fiscal year for the report. You must complete this processing option with a four-digit value (for example 2012).

4. Date From

Specify the beginning of the range of dates from which you want to select withholding information. The year must match the Fiscal Year defined above.

5. Date To

Specify the end of the range of dates from which you want to select withholding information. The year must match the Fiscal Year defined above.

6. Emission Type

You use this field to indicate if the txt file is an original report or a rectification of an already reported file. Enter a value that exists in the File Emission Type UDC table (76B/WT). Values are:

  • 0: Original

  • 1: Rectificative

7. Previous Bookkeeping number

You must specify the previous bookkeeping number in the case of rectificative emission type selected. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

8. Layout Code

Enter a value that exists in the Layout Code Version (76B/EI) UDC table. Currently, the only valid and hard-coded value is 1A4MA1R.

9. Special Indicator

This processing option enables you to specify if the company experienced a special event, such as a merger or a change in legal status, during the reporting year. This indicator is reflected in register DCPJ of the report. Valid values are Y (Yes) or N (No, selected by default). If left blank, the system retrieves the indicator from the Company Constants program (P76B010).