
Legal Model Type:

Specify a value from UDC 76B/MT that indicates the model type that the system assigns to the nota fiscais. If you leave this processing option blank, the system retrieves the nota fiscal type from the nota fiscal record in the F76B01TE table. If there is no nota fiscal type, the system uses the value BRNFI-CL Then the system uses the nota fiscal type to access the F76B032 table and retrieve the legal model type.

Retrieve Legal Model Type from P76B008 Program

If the Legal Model Type processing option is blank, use this processing option to specify if the system retrieves the legal model type from the Nota Fiscal Series and Number Length program (P76B008). Values are:

Y: Retrieve the legal model type from the Nota Fiscal Series and Number Length program.

N: Do not retrieve the legal model type from the Nota Fiscal Series and Number Length program.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the default value N.