Item Category Codes (70/C1 – 70/C5)

Set up item category codes 70/C1 – 70/C5 to add information the items that you must report in register 0200 of block 0 according to Ato Cotepe 09 of 2008.

Set up the category codes as shown in this table:

Category Code

Used For


Item type


Mercosur code


EX code


Item generic code


Service code

Consider changing the name of the category codes to a name that is meaningful and relates to the usage of the category code. For example, consider changing the name of 70/C1 from Item Category Code 70 C1 to Item Type. Then, add the values for item types in the Codes field of the category code.

You set processing options in the Item Master Additional Info program (P704101) to identify the category codes for which the system enables you to select values to associate to items. The system writes the values that you associate to the items to register 0200 of block 0 when you run the SPED Fiscal- Block 0 Items & Assets program (R76B0891).