Main Filters (detail area)

The fields in the detail area of the Work with XML Transaction Revision form indicate the transaction type, XML document status, and other transaction information. The fields that reveal the status of the transaction and that are affected by the statuses that you select to search are:

Trans Type (transaction type)

The system displays the transaction type that is associated with the electronic nota fiscal. Values are:

BRNFO: Outbound transaction

BRNFI-SP: Inbound transaction for São Paulo

XML Doc Status (XML document status)

The system displays the status of the XML document after it was processed by the third-party or custom software. Values are:

Blank: The third-party or custom software has not processed the request.

A: Accepted. The fiscal authority accepted the NFe XML file and returned the NFe number and other data.

C: Canceled. The transaction is canceled.

E: Error. An error occurred in the submission. You must correct the error and resubmit the transaction for processing.

SP (status)

The system displays the status of the record in the F70XMLZ1 table. This status reveals the state of the record and does not indicate the status of the answer from the fiscal authority. A record might be processed, but might contain an error. Values are:

Blank: The transaction was written to the F70XMLZ1 table, but has not been processed by the third-party or custom software.

P: Processed. The transaction was processed.

Tr Ac (transaction action)

The system displays an A (Add) for all transactions for the Brazil NFe process. Future processes might use other codes.

XML Error Code

The system displays the error code and description from the XML Error Code (70/EC) UDC table. If you receive an error message, you should correct the error and resubmit the transaction.