NFe and DANFe

When you generate the NFe (electronic notas fiscais) files to submit to SEFAZ, the system includes these fields in Group I of the XML file:

  • EX-TIPI from F76B1010.B76TIPI.

    The system retrieves this value from the F76B1010 table instead of from a category code.

  • FCI Number from F76B1010.B76FCI.

For NFEs for consumers, the XML also includes the approximate total taxes from F76B1010.B76TAL for the M group and the basis detail from F76B1010.B76TAH for the W Group. The formula that the system uses to calculate the consumer taxable basis (B76TAH) is the same as for the Print Nota Fiscal section:

  • For goods: (Unit Sales Price X Quantity) + Freight + Insurance + Other Accessory Expenses Discounts + ICMS-ST + IPI

  • For services: (Unit Sales Price X Quantity) +Other Accessory Expenses Discounts

See Tax Transparency and Printed Notas Fiscais

The system also includes the approximate total taxes in a field on the DANFe, and includes this text in the Additional Data section of the DANFe:

O "Valor Aproximado dos Tributos" calculado pela empresa, correspondente a totalidade dos tributos federais, estaduais e municipais, cuja incidência influa na formação do respectivo preço de venda, opcionalmente poderá aparecer no DANFE no campo de Informações Adicionais do Produto (tag: infAdProd, id:V01) e/ou no campo de Informações Complementares da NF-e (tag: infCpl, id:Z03).