NFe Cancel

1. Quantity of cancelled Fiscal Notes to be included on each lot

Specify the number of NFes to include in lots of cancelled NFes. Note that the maximum number allowed by the government is 20. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses 20 for the default value.

2. Cancellation XML schema

Specify the cancellation schema to use. Values are:

Blank: Generate the cancNFe_v2.00 schema XML

1: Generate the evtCancNFe_v9.99 2012 schema XML

3. Enter the Directory Path to archive the generated NFe XML file (Release 9.2 Update)

Enter the directory path where the system needs to archive the generated xml file using the Cancelled NF-e XML Generator batch program (R76B523).

The path mentioned here should match the Report Definition Archive paths (P95641) setup.