These processing options determine whether the system calls the Nota Fiscal Elec. - Outbound (R76B560Z1) program to process electronic notas fiscais.

Generate NFe Information (Generate electronic nota fiscal information)

Enter 1 to generate the output file for the electronic nota fiscal process. When you enter 1, the system calls the Nota Fiscal Elec. - Outbound program to convert the nota fiscal to an XML version, and saves the data to the XML Transaction Interface (F70XMLZ1) table.

Enter the Version for R76B560Z1

Enter the version of the Nota Fiscal Elec. - Outbound program to run, if you specified to run the Nota Fiscal Elec. - Outbound program after the Print Nota Fiscal program. If you leave this processing option blank and have selected to run the Nota Fiscal Elec. - Outbound program, the system uses version ZJDE00001.