Nota Fiscal Elec. - Outbound Program (R76B560Z1)

You can run the Nota Fiscal Elec. - Outbound program from a menu option, or you can run it automatically by setting a processing option in the Print Nota Fiscal program.

The Nota Fiscal Elec. - Outbound program:

  1. Converts the nota fiscal generated by the R76B560 program into an XML version, and saves the data to the F70XMLZ1 table.

    The data saved is the same as the header and detail data that resides in the Nota Fiscal Header (F7601B) and Nota Fiscal Detail (F7611B) tables. This data is now available for processing by the third-party software or custom program, which must format the XML in the legally required layout.

  2. Updates the status of the NFe to G (generated) in the F76B01TE table.

  3. Prints a control report to enable you to review the transactions processed.