Nota Fiscal Elect. Revision Program (P76B01TE)

Use the Nota Fiscal Elect. Revision program to review the electronic notas fiscais. The records that you review exist in the NFe Header (F76B01TE) and NFe Detail (F76B11TE) tables. You can search for records using the fields that exist for the nota fiscal, such as the company or supplier, or by data that is specific to the NFe such as:

  • NFe legal number

  • NFe receipt number

  • Status

    • Pending

    • Accepted

    • Canceled by fiscal authority

    • Rejected

    • All

After you locate the nota fiscal that you want to review, you can view the details about the nota fiscal or you can release the nota fiscal. Releasing the nota fiscal causes the system to release the sales order and update the status of the nota fiscal according to the order activity rules.