Nota Fiscal Numbering for the Telephone Industry

If you enter BRNFI-TE (inbound telephone nota fiscal) in the Nota Fiscal Type field in the Nota Fiscal Receipt program, the system enables the Nota Fiscal Series field. You either enter a 2-digit series number, or leave the Nota Fiscal Series field blank. You enter the nota fiscal number that you receive from your supplier.

If you enter a 2-digit series number, the system:

  • Populates the series field (data item BSER) in these nota fiscal tables with the value that you enter:

    • NFe Header (F76B01TE)

    • Nota Fiscal Header (F7601B)

    • Nota Fiscal Detail (F7611B)

  • Appends the value that you enter to the end of the nota fiscal number in the legal nota fiscal number field (data item B76ELN) in the F76B01TE table.

    The entire nota fiscal number is stored in the NF Legal Number field in the F76B01TE table. The last six digits of the nota fiscal legal number are stored in the NF Number field in the F7601B and F7611B tables.

If you leave the Nota Fiscal Series field blank, the system:

  • Populates with 00 the series field (data item BSER) in these nota fiscal tables:

    • F76B01TE

    • F7611B

    • F7610B

  • Appends the text SERIE UNICA to the end of the nota fiscal legal number in the data item field B76ELN in the F76B01TE table.