
Select the Person tab.

Federal Tax ID

Enter the unique tax identification number that the federal tax authorities use to identify individuals. Use this convention: XXX.XXX.XXX-YY. In this convention, XXX.XXX.XXX is the tax identification number and YY is the check digit.

Individual ID

Enter the unique number that the state police department uses to identify the person. The system stores the identification number in the Address Book ABTX2 tables. For the system to edit the number, you must enter identification numbers using this convention: XX.XXX.XXX-Y. In this convention, XX.XXX.XXX is the identification number and Y is the check digit.

Issuer Code

Enter the short name for the issuer of the ID card.

Issuer State

Select a value from UDC table 00/S to specify the state or province. This code is usually a postal service abbreviation.

Issue Date

Enter the date of issue of the document.

Taxpayer Number

Enter the County Contractor Taxpayer Number (ID). This field is required if the address book record is for a contractor.


Enter the name that indicates the city associated with the address. This field is required if the address book record is for a contractor.


Enter the two-character abbreviation of the state name. This field is required if the address book record is for a contractor.