Print Options

1. Mode

Enter 1 to run the report in final mode. The system updates the next number of the fiscal book that is based on the next numbers which you have set up for the company.

If you leave this processing option blank, the report does not update the page number.

2. Opening and Closing Statement

Enter 1 to print Opening Statement and Closing Statement on the report. If you are running the report in final mode, you must enter 1 for this processing option.

3. Subledgers

Enter 1 to print subledgers on the report.

4. JE Explanation

Specify one of these values:

1: Print JE explanation 1

2: Print JE explanation 2

If you leave this processing option blank, both explanation 1 and explanation 2 print on the report.

5. Pages

Enter the number of pages to include between the last page and Closing Statement.

6. Statement Codes

Enter statement codes in the Opening and Closing processing options. Values are:

A: Opening statement codes (default).

E: Closing statement codes.