
1. Enter the directory path for the NF-e Responses XML files unprocessed (source folder).

Specify the directory path and folder name for the unprocessed response transmission XML files. For example, if you run the file on a local machine, you might enter C:\Temp\Unprocessed\.

Important: You must enter a directory separator (/ or\) at the end of the path or the system does not process the XML file
Note: If you run the program from a server, you must set up the folder on the server and enter the path to the folder on the server.
2. Enter the directory path for the NF-e Responses XML files in process (working folder).

Specify the directory path and folder name for the in-process response transmission XML files. For example, if you run the file on a local machine, you might enter C:\Temp\InProcess\.

Important: You must enter a directory separator (/ or\) at the end of the path or the system does not process the XML file
Note: If you run the program from a server, you must set up the folder on the server and enter the path to the folder on the server.
3. Enter the directory path for the NF-e Responses XML files processed (target folder).

Specify the directory path and folder name for the processed response transmission XML files. For example, if you run the file on a local machine, you might enter C:\Temp\Processed\.

Important: You must enter a directory separator (/ or\) at the end of the path or the system does not process the XML file
Note: If you run the program from a server, you must set up the folder on the server and enter the path to the folder on the server.
4. This option controls the DANF-e Generation process execution.

Specify whether the system generates the DANF-e document after the SEFAZ response is received and processed. Leave this processing option blank to print the DANF-e document. Enter 1 to suppress the printing of the DANF-e document.

5. Enter the Nota Fiscal Type that determines the origin of the Nota Fiscal: Electronic (National or Sao Paulo), NFC-E End Consumer, Telephone Industry or Paper (classic) (default: BRNFI-NA)

Enter a value from the Transmission Type (70/TY) UDC table to specify the type of notas fiscais that you process.

The system uses the value that you enter when it validates data in the transmission response XML files.

Note: This processing option is now obsolete.