
Although processing options are set up during system implementation, you can change processing options each time you run a program.

1. Proof/Final Mode

Specify whether the system runs the batch program in proof or final mode. Values are:

Blank: Proof mode

1: Final mode

2. Billing Invoice

Specify the suffix for the transaction nature codes that represent billing invoices. The system reports notas fiscais that have transaction nature codes that end with the suffix that you enter as a Nota Fiscal Futura, and prints 0 (zero) for the tax amount on the report.

3. Delivery

Specify the suffix for the transaction nature codes that represent the taxes for merchandise shipped after a billing invoice is sent. Notas fiscais that have transaction nature codes that end with the suffix that you enter are reported as a Nota Fiscal Futura.

4. Summary by Rate

Specify whether the system prints a summary by ICMS tax interest rate. The system will break and print summaries when the rate changes.