Processing Options for the São Paulo NFe Process

To use the NFe process, you must set processing options in these programs:

  • Print Nota Fiscal (R76560B)

    The processing option on the NFe tab controls some functions of the NFe process.

  • PO Transaction BRNFSP (P76BX001)

    The system uses the values in the PO Transaction BRNFSP processing options when you process inbound XML files for the state of São Paulo. Inbound transactions that include a transaction type of BRNFI-SP are São Paulo transactions. The system reads these values when you run the Inbound XML Process program (R70XMLI1).

  • Generate Nota Fiscal program (R76558B)

    The system uses the values in the Generate Nota Fiscal program (R76558B) processing options to determine the fiscal note type to be generated with a sales order. A fiscal note type setup of 0 on the tab Defaults determines that the fiscal note is either a Classical or São Paulo Nota fiscal and a code 1 indicates a National NFe or a Nota Fiscal for Ed-Consumer Transactions (NFC-e).