Reprocessing a Block

Access the SPED Job Revision form.

You can reprocess a block only if the block status is D (done).


If you run the Block I - Open Chart of Accounts & Cost Center program (R76B955) again, you must also run these programs because they use the data in the chart of accounts:

Block I - Balances / PL Account Balances (R76B960)

Block I - Accounting Journal (R76B965)

Block I - Daily Balances (R76B970)

Block J - Opening Balance Sheet and Income Statement program (R76B985)

  1. Select the block to reprocess, and select Select/Unselect Block from the Row menu.

    The system places a check mark next to the block and the UBEs for the block.

  2. (Optional) To run only one UBE for the block, select the UBE to run and select Select/Unselect UBE from the Row menu.

    The system deselects the UBEs that you did not select. You can run either all of the UBEs for a block or a single UBE when you reprocess a block. You cannot select multiple UBEs to run unless you select all UBEs for a block.

  3. From the Form menu, select Process.

    The system reprocesses the selected block or UBE.

Important: If you reprocess a block (selected the block) or a portion of a block (selected a UBE), you must also reprocess subsequent blocks that use the data that you regenerated. For example, the Block 9 Generation program (R76B995) reads data from blocks 0, I, and J. If you reprocess UBEs for block 0, I, or J, you must also reprocess block 9.