Reviewing Outbound Nota Fiscal Information

Access the Nota Fiscal Header Revision form.

Nota Fiscal Header Revision form
Substitution Code

Review this code to determine whether a client or product is subject to tax substitution. Values are:

Y: Use list price.

Z: Use net price.

N: No.

Substitution Tax

Review the ICMS Substitute amount that the customer must remit in advance if they are subject to Tax Substitution Mark-up.

ICMS Basis

Review the amount on which ICMS taxes are assessed.

Substitution Basis

Review the amount on which ICMS Substitute tax is assessed. Products that are eligible for ICMS Substitute tax are listed in ICMS government directive 14.

IPI Rate

Enter a number that identifies the percentage of tax that should be assessed or paid to the corresponding tax authority, based on the tax area.

Enter the percentage as a whole number and not as the decimal equivalent. For example, to specify 7 percent, enter 7, not .07.

The IPI (Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados) is a Brazilian federal excise tax the government levies on manufactured products. The tax rate varies and is payable at the point of production


Review the IPI tax amount that is printed on the nota fiscal.

IPI Code

Review this code, which indicates how IPI tax is assessed. This code determines in which column of the Inbound/Outbound Fiscal Book the system prints the IPI tax amount. You must enter a code that already exists in the IPI Code Fiscal Value (76/IP) UDC table. Values are:

1: Taxable.

2: Exempt or not taxable.

3: Other.

IPI Basis

Review the amount on which IPI taxes are assessed.

NF Discount

Review the amount of the discount amount available for the nota fiscal.