Setting Up a Cross-Reference for Transaction Nature Codes

Access the CFOP Cross References form.


Enter a three-character code that for tax purposes, identifies a type of transaction. To enter values for the transaction nature code, use this convention: X.YY where X defines the origin of the transaction (inbound or outbound), and YY defines the transaction as a whole, such as a sales transaction. Values for X are:

1: Inbound, inside the state.

2: Inbound, other states.

3: Inbound, import.

5: Outbound, inside state.

6: Outbound, other states.

7: Outbound, export.

Examples of transaction nature codes:

511: In-state sale.

611: Out-of-state sale.


Complete this two-character field in conjunction with the transaction nature code to identify the complementary implications of a type of transaction. For example, the suffix might indicate that a certain type of transaction represents an inventory change, or that a transaction is eligible for a certain type of tax.

Values might include:

01: Bonus

02: Demo

03: Sample

04: Return merchandise

05: Back order

06: Donation

Examples of transaction nature codes with suffixes are:

511 01: In-state sale, bonus.

511 05: In-state sale, back order.


Use this four-character code to indicate different types of transactions for tax purposes. This code is included in the list of legal fiscal codes for transaction nature (Códigos Fiscais de Operações E Prestações) published by the SEFAZ (Secretaria do Estado da Fazenda do Brasil, the State Revenue Department).

Examples of values are:

1101:Purchasing of rural production or industrialization.

2251: Purchasing of electrical energy for commercialization or distribution.

5102:Sales of acquired or received merchandise from third parties.

6124: Industrializations performed for other company.

Effective Date

Enter the date on which you confirm that a specific order line was shipped.