Setting Up IPI Legal Framing Codes

Access the IPI Legal Framing form.

Transaction Nature

Enter a three-character code that identifies a type of transaction for tax purposes. Enter values for the transaction nature code using the X.YY convention. X defines the origin of the transaction (inbound or outbound). Values for X are:

1: Inbound, inside the state

2: Inbound, other states

3: Inbound, import

5: Outbound, inside state

6: Outbound, other states

7: Outbound, export

YY defines the transaction as a whole, such as a sales transaction.

Examples of transaction nature codes include:

511: In-state sale

611: Out-of-state sale

Transaction Suffix

Enter a value to complete this two-character field in conjunction with the transaction nature code to identify the complementary implications of a type of transaction. For example, the suffix might indicate that a certain type of transaction represents an inventory change, or that a transaction is eligible for a certain type of tax.

Values might include:

01: Bonus

02: Demo

03: Sample

04: Return merchandise

05: Back order

06: Donation

Examples of transaction nature codes with suffixes include:

511 01: In-state sale, bonus

511 05: In-state sale, back order

IPI Tax Situation Code

Enter a value from the Tax Summary UDC table 76B/XI that specifies a special tax situation. Hard-coded values are:

00: Inbound with credit recoverable (entrada com recuperação de crédito)

01: Inbound taxable with zero rate (entrada tributada com alíquota zero)

02: Inbound exempt (entrada isenta)

03: Inbound not taxable (entrada não-tributada)

04: Inbound immune (entrada imune)

05: Inbound suspended (entrada com suspensão)

49: Other inbounds (outras entradas)

50: Outbound with credit recoverable (saída com recuperação de crédito)

51: Outbound taxable with zero rate (saída tributada com alíquota zero)

52: Outbound exempt (saída isenta)

53: Outbound not taxable (saída não-tributada)

54: Outbound immune (saída imune)

55: Outbound suspended (saída com suspensão)

99: Other outbounds (outras saídas)

IPI Legal Framing

Select the code from the UDC table 76B/LF that identifies the tax situation that defines the IPI tax, according to the nature of the item. These values are defined by SEFAZ.

If you select a framing code that does not belong to the range of values applicable to the selected CST, the system shows an error message.

Customer Number

Enter the address book number of the customer.