Setting Up IPI Tax Rates

Access the IPI Tax Revision form.

IPI Tax Revision from
Fiscal Classification

Enter a code that specifies groups of products, as defined by the local tax authorities. The product groups are based on taxing conventions and other national statistics. The system uses this code to determine the applicable tax rate for a product.

Print Message

Enter a code from UDC 40/PM that you assign to each fiscal print message that appears on the nota fiscal.

Item Number

Enter a number that the system assigns to an item. It can be in short, long, or third-item number format.

IPI Tax and IPI Reduction

Enter a number that identifies the percentage of tax that should be assessed or paid to the corresponding tax authority, based on the tax area.

Enter the percentage as a whole number and not as the decimal equivalent. For example, to specify 7 percent, enter 7, not .07.

For IPI tax, complete this field to identify a tax rate for a tax authority that has jurisdiction in a geographic area.


Enter a code that indicates how ICMS tax is applied. You set up the codes that you need in the ICMS Code - Fiscal Value UDC (76/II). The system uses the code when it calculates ICMS tax, and when printing fiscal books.

Complete this field to associate tax information with the fiscal classification.

IPI Code

Enter a code that indicates how IPI tax is assessed. This code determines in which column of the Inbound/Outbound Fiscal Book the system prints the IPI tax amount. You must enter a code that already exists in the IPI Code Fiscal Value (76/IP) UDC table. Values are:

1: Taxable

2: Exempt or not taxable

3: Other

Complete this field to associate tax information with the fiscal classification.