Setting Up Nota Fiscal Serie Length and Number Length

Access the Nota Fiscal Serie and Number Length Revision form.

Nota Fiscal Type

Enter a value that exists in the Transaction Type (70/TY) UDC table to specify the type of nota fiscal. The system enables or disables fields on forms, and performs validations based on the value that you enter.

NF Legal Model Type

Enter a value that exists in the Nota Fiscal Model Type (76B/MT) UDC table to specify the nota fiscal model type.

Legal Nota Fiscal Serie Length

Enter a value that identifies the character length of the nota fiscal legal series number. The maximum character length is 10. This is a required field.

Legal Nota Fiscal Number Length

Enter a value that identifies the character length of the legal nota fiscal number. The maximum character length is 20.

Electronic NF - Apply

Select the option to indicate that the nota fiscal type is electronic. This option is required when you work with national fiscal notes and end-consumer fiscal notes (NFC-e).