Setting Up Payee Information for a City Code

Access the Taxes Setup by City Code form.

City Code

Enter a value from the Fiscal City Code (76B/FC) UDC table to specify the city code to associate to the payee information that you enter.

Note: The system enables you to enter the value *ALL in this field. When you enter *ALL, you set up a record that applies to all cities for which you have not set up a specific record. You do not set up *ALL in the 76B/FC UDC table.
Alternate Payee

Enter the address book number of the city to which you pay the tax.

Payment Terms

Enter the payment term for the tax. You set up payment terms in the Payment Terms program (P0014).

Note: Do not enter a payment term for split payments.
Single Svc Fiscal Code (single service fiscal code)

Enter 1 to specify that the sales fiscal code and purchase fiscal code are the same value. If you enter 1, the values for the sales fiscal code and purchase fiscal code in the Service Fiscal Code program must be the same.