Setting Up Tax Rates and Effective Dates for Services by City

Access the Taxes Setup by City and Service form.

Service Type Code

Specify the service type code for which you set up the retention rate and effective dates. You set up service type codes in the Service Type Code program (P76B408).

City Code

Enter a value from the Fiscal City Code (76B/FC) UDC table to specify the city for which you set up the retention rate and effective date of the service.

Note: The system enables you to enter the value *ALL in this field. When you enter *ALL, you set up a record that applies to all cities for which you have not set up a specific record. You do not set up *ALL in the 76B/FC UDC table.
Date From

Specify the beginning of the range of dates for which the retention rate is effective.

Date To

Specify the end of the range of dates for which the retention rate is effective. Leave this field blank to set up a rate that does not expire.

Retention Rate

Enter the retention rate for the city/service combination.

G/L Offset

Enter the G/L offset account to which the system writes the retained amount.