Setting Up Withholding Tax Codes

Access the Tax Information Revisions form.

Tax Information Revisions form
Brazil Tax Information

Enter up to 8 characters to describe the tax.

Tax Type

Enter a code that exists in the Tax Code A/P (76B/TR) UDC table to specify the type of Brazilian income tax. Values are:

01: IRRF

02: ISS

03: INSS


05: PIS


07: CSLL

Retention/Aggregation Rate

Enter the retention or aggregation tax rate that is applied to the service transaction.

Retention/ Aggregation/ Credit

Enter R if the tax code is for retention. Enter A if the tax code is for aggregation. Enter C if the tax code is for PIS/PASEP or COFINS credit.

Reduction IR

Enter the percentage of the reduction of the tax calculation base for an individual.

IR Code

Enter a code that exists in the Recieta Code (76B/IR) UDC table to identify the type of IR tax.

Alternate Payee Address Number

Enter the address number for an alternate payee, such as a tax authority.

Number of Dependents

Enter a code that exists in the Dependence Reduction IR-PF (76B/DP) UDC table to identify a reduction in tax liability based on the number of dependents that the taxpayer claims.


Enter a code from the Retired IR-PF (Income Tax) (76B/AP) UDC table to indicate a reduction in tax liability for retired persons.

Progressive Table

Select to use the progressive tax table when calculating taxes. Use the Progressive Table IR-PF program (P76B0402) to set up the progressive tax table.

ISS Code

Enter a code that exists in the Service Code (76B/IS) UDC table to specify the type of service for a city.


Enter a code that exists in the INSS Code (76B/IN) UDC table to specify the type of social security tax.


Select to indicate that the legal entity is a cooperative.