Specifying the Layout for Transaction Types

Access the Bank Additional Information for Dynamic Formatter Revision form.

Bank Additional Information for Dynamic Formatter Revision form
Bank Code

Enter the code that specifies the bank to which the system sends the outbound statement. The code that you enter must exist in the Bank Codes (76/BC) UDC table.

Transaction Type

Enter the qualifier used to identify a specific type of transaction.

Direction Indicator

Enter the code that indicates whether the transaction is inbound or outbound.


Enter the path used for client-based menus. The path describes where the application is located on the computer or network. A path includes the drive, folders, and sub folders that contain the application to be executed.

File Extension

Enter the flat file extension that the system appends to the name in the Path field to create the name of the flat file.

Record Type

Specify the type of record associated with the line. You set up values in the Record Type UDC (00/RD). For example, you might set up these record types:

1: Header

2: Detail

3: Header detail

4: Trailer detail

7: Header text

8: Detail text

9: Trailer