Specifying the Withholding Method for PIS, COFINS, and CSLL Withholding

Access the PIS-COFINS-CSLL Minimum Withholding Setup Revision form.

Withholding Transaction Source

A value from UDC 76B/TS (Transaction Source) that specifies if the setup is for sales or purchase transactions. Valid values are:

1: Sale

2: Purchase

Company ID

The first 9 digits of the company's tax ID. The PIS-COFINS-CSLL Minimum Withholding Setup program provides the Tax ID by Address Number form to use to look up the tax ID using the company's address book number. You access the Tax ID by Address Number form by clicking the Visual Assist icon for the Company ID field.

If you do not complete this field, the system applies the setup to all companies.

Third Party ID

The first 9 digits of the seller's tax ID. The PIS-COFINS-CSLL Minimum Withholding Setup program provides the Tax ID by Address Number form to use to look up the tax ID using the company's address book number. You access the Tax ID by Address Number form by clicking the Visual Assist icon for the Third Party ID field.

You complete this field only when the value in the Withholding Transaction Field is 1 (Purchase).


A value from UDC 76B/MH (Method) that indicates the withholding method to use. Values are:

1: By payment/Fiscal Note.

2: By monthly accumulation.

Withholding Method 1 causes the system to use the sum of the PIS, COFINS, and CSLL withholding for a nota fiscal or payment as the basis for determining whether to write lines for the withholding on the nota fiscal. If you select this method, you must provide a value in the Minimum Amount field.

Withholding Method 2 causes the system to use the accumulated nota fiscal amounts for the month as a basis for determining whether to write lines for the withholding on the nota fiscal. If you select this method, you do not provide a minimum amount in the PIS-COFINS-CSLL Minimum Withholding Setup program. Instead, you set up the minimum in the Minimum Monthly Basis Amount to withhold program (P76B422). The system uses the accumulated amounts for each company/supplier combination from the Minimum Amount to Withhold table (F76B422) as the basis for the withholding calculations.

Minimum Amount

Specify the combined amount of PIS, COFINS, and CSLL withholding to use as the minimum amount for which the system generates withholding lines on the nota fiscal for PIS, COFINS, and CSLL.

For example, if you specify 10.00 in this field, and the calculated total of the PIS, COFINS, and CSLL for the nota fiscal or payment is 9.3, then the system does not write lines on the nota fiscal for the PIS, COFINS, and CSLL withholding. If you specify 10.00 and the total of the PIS, COFINS, and CSLL withholding is 10.5, then the system writes line on the nota fiscal for each of the withholding types.

Zero (0) is a valid value for this field. However, if you enter 0, the system issues a warning message. You can clear the message and leave the value as 0 if you choose to use 0 as the value.

Effective Date

The date on which the system begins to use the record.