System Process Flow

When you select Freight Note from the Row menu on the Work With Nota Fiscal Header form, the system launches the Freight Note Processing program. On the Work With Landed Costs form, you can select the merchandise nota fiscal by choosing NF Selection from the Form menu. When you apply the freight, insurance, or other expenses to the freight nota fiscal, the system:

  • Retrieves and stores the PIS/PASEP and COFINS G/L Class.

    The system retrieves the G/L offset account from the 76/GL UDC, using the strings PIS and COF to identify the offset account. The UDC Description that the system retrieves, along with the 4385 or 4315 distribution automatic accounting instruction (AAI), identify the debit account that the system uses. The item's G/L offset account and the 4390 distribution AAI identify the credit account that the system uses.

  • Creates journal entries.

  • Updates the item ledger with the freight PIS/PASEP and COFINS transactions.

  • Updates the average cost of the items on the merchandise nota fiscal to include the freight PIS/PASEP and COFINS transactions.