Transmitting NFEs and Receiving SEFAZ Responses

Important: You must complete the technical setup required for the NFe transmission process before you can transmit XML files to SEFAZ.See Business Services for Brazil

Access the Work With Brazil NF-e Services form.

Work With Brazil NF-e Services form (Release 9.2 Update)
Input XML Path

Enter the path to the XML file that you want to submit for processing. Note that the system also writes the intermediate XML file (requestNfeRet Recepcao xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xml) to this location if the submission to the NfeRetRecepcao Web service does not finish successfully.

When you enter the path, you must:

  • Include the name of the XML file in the path.

  • Include the file extension.xml in the file name or the system does not process the XML file.

  • If you run the program from a server, set up the folder on the server and enter the path to the folder on the server.

  • Enter a path with a location that can be accessed by the business services (BSSV).

You can enter up to 244 characters.

Output XML Path

Enter the path to the location to which the system writes the SEFAZ response from the submission. A failure response from the Web service is also written to this location.

You should enter the same path that you specify as the source folder in the processing options of the NFe XML Response Processing program (R76B525). If you enter a path other than the source folder, you must copy the file from the location that you specify in this field to the location that you specify in the NFe XML Response Processing program before you can process the response file.

When you enter the path, you must:

  • Include the name of the XML file in the path.

  • Include the file extension .xml in the file name.

  • Enter a path with a location that the business services (BSSV) can access.

You can enter up to 244 characters.

Password (Release 9.2 Update)

Enter the password for the certificate in this field.

Select Service

Select the type of submission. Options are:

  • Submit NF-e Lot for Processing

  • Cancel NF-e legal number

  • Destroy Unused NF-e legal number

  • Contingency Submit

  • Contingency Cancel

The default value is Submit NF-e Lot for Processing.

Request Status

This field shows the processing status of the submitted file.