Understanding Additional Branch/Plant Information for Brazil

Information about an item might be different from warehouse to warehouse. For example, taxes might be applicable to an item at one warehouse but not at another. You might also have different quantity requirements for each item, based on the warehouse. After you enter master information for an item, you can assign the item to different warehouses or branch/plants. You can then customize the item information for each branch/plant. You can also specify at which locations in the branch/plant the item is stored.

Every system that retrieves item information searches for the item branch/plant information before using the item master information.

In Brazil, companies can override the Item Master information that they enter for specific lot locations. Companies should maintain these fields:

  • Fiscal classification.

  • Tax code (IPI or ICMS).

  • Whether the item is subject to tax substitution markup.

  • Item origin.

  • Purchase use.

  • Messages to be printed.

  • And, if the item has imported content:

    • Imported Content percentage (CI)

    • Imported Content Form (FCI)

    • Amount of the Portion from Abroad

    • Total Amount of the Interstate Outbound

To associate the additional information that is required to meet Brazilian reporting requirements with the inventory items that you enter, the country that is specified in the user display preferences must be Brazil (BR). To access the additional information form when you inquire on an existing inventory item, select a record and then select Regional Information from the Row menu. Brazilian information must be added only by location if the location is different than that added for the item.

You may also review (but not add) additional information from the Inventory Master - Brazil menu (G76B4111). You can review additional information by choosing Item Branch/Plant - Brazil.

When you enter additional branch/plant information for an item, the system creates a record for the item in the F76412 table.