Understanding Bar Code Information for Vouchers

You can add bar code information to domestic currency vouchers that you process for payment. You add bar code information after you enter voucher information and before you create payment groups. Adding bar code information to your vouchers is optional unless you use the outbound automatic payment process. If you use the outbound automatic payment process, you must add bar code information to your vouchers.

A standard bar code contains 44 digits. When you use an optical reader to scan a bar code, the system:

  1. Validates the 44 digits.

  2. Populates the Bar Code Brazil field (data item BBRCD) in the F76B04BC table with the 44 digits.


You enter 47 digits when you manually enter a bar code using the Boletos bar code entry. The 10th, 22nd, and 33rd digits are check digits that the validation routine uses to verify that the code that you enter is a valid bar code number. When you manually enter a bar code number, the system:

  1. Validates each segment of the bar code number.

  2. Translates the 47 digits that you entered into the 44-digit machine-entered format.

  3. Populates the Bar Code Brazil field in the F76B04BC table with 44 digits.

You can override a machine-entered bar code number with a manually entered bar code number. When you manually enter a bar code for a voucher for which a bar code already exists and then click OK on the Work With Vouchers Bar Code - Brazil form in the Voucher Additional Information - Brazil program (P76B04BC), the system:

  1. Validates each segment of the manually entered 47-digit bar code number.

  2. Translates the 47 digits that you entered into the 44-digit machine-entered format.

  3. Replaces the value for data item BBRCD in the F76B04BC table with the new value.


You enter 48 digits when you manually enter a bar code using the Concessionaires bar code entry. The 12th, 24th, 36th, and 48th digits are check digits that the validation routine uses to verify that the code that you enter is a valid bar code number. When you manually enter a bar code number, the system:

  1. Validates each segment of the bar code number.

  2. Translates the 48 digits that you entered into the 44-digit machine-entered format.

  3. Populates the Bar Code Brazil field in the F76B04BC table with 44 digits.

You can override a machine-entered bar code number with a manually entered bar code number using the Concessionaires bar code entry. When you manually enter a bar code for a voucher for which a bar code already exists and then click OK on the Work With Vouchers Bar Code - Brazil form in the Voucher Additional Information - Brazil program (P76B04BC), the system:

  1. Validates each 12-digit segment of the manually entered 48-digit bar code number.

  2. Translates the 48 digits that you entered into the 44-digit machine-entered format.

  3. Replaces the value for data item BBRCD in the F76B04BC table with the new value.