Understanding Blocks, Versions, and Sequencing

The Brazilian tax authority determines which registers in each block must be included in the SPED FCONT files for each book type. The mandatory registers vary based on the type of book that you submit.

You use the FCONT Blocks Initial Setup program (R76B838) to populate the tables Electronic Reporting Header Blocks (F76B930) and Electronic Reporting Details Blocks (F76B931) with data that contains the definition of each FCONT block, the sequence and their associated UBE to be executed.

Note: In most cases, you will run the FCONT Blocks Initial Setup program just once, and then use the Block Setup program to modify records, if necessary. Each time you run the FCONT Blocks Initial Setup batch program, the system overwrites the tables F76B0730 and F76B0731.

You can also use the Block Setup program (P76B0730) to set up the batch programs (UBEs) and versions to run for each block. You set up versions of the programs provided by Oracle, and can also set up versions of the custom programs that you create to generate blocks or populate registers for data that does not reside in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables.

When you set up the blocks, you must specify the UBE and versions to run for each block, and the sequence number in which the system runs the batch programs.

You can access the UBEs for FCont from the SPED FCont Setup menu (G76B0931) to set up versions with data selection. However, you must run the programs from the FCONT SPED Job Administrator program (P76B940) from the SPED - FCONT menu (G76B0930).

See Extracting and Reviewing Data for FCont.

The Block Setup program saves data to these tables:

  • Electronic Reporting Header Blocks Template (F76B0730)

  • Electronic Reporting Detail Blocks Template (F76B0731)

Note: These are the same tables used in the ATO COTEPE process. The field B76ACTC indicates whether the template refers to COTEPE or FCont execution. In the case of FCONT, this field have the hard-code value FC.