Understanding DANFe Generation

After receiving NFe approval from SEFAZ, the company prints a document to escort the merchandise called the Electronic Fiscal Note Auxiliary Document, or DANFe (Documento Auxiliar da Nota Fiscal Electronica).

A DANFe report is a shipment note that contains summary NFe information. The DANFe report originates from NFe, therefore it contains NFe information such as the legal access key and dimensional bar code. The company includes the DANFe with the shipment of goods. The DANFe has a bar code so that trucks can present it for scanning, and the government employee can review the NFe via the Internet.

The system provides different DANFe reports:

  • DANFe for Nota Fiscal

  • DANFe for end-consumer transactions

Review the following DANFe example:

Example of DANFe document (Release 9.2 Update)