Understanding EFD PIS/COFINS for Brazil

The Brazilian Fiscal Authority created a electronic reporting requirement as part of the SPED Fiscal Initiative, outlined in the legal resolution IN1052/2010 for PIS/PASEP and COFINS taxes (Contribution for the Financing of Social Security).

SPED EFD (Escrituracao Fiscal Digital) PIS/COFINS is the fiscal digital bookkeeping reporting for PIS/Pasep and COFINS tax reporting. Although SPED EFD PIS/COFINS is part of SPED EFD, the matrix company delivers a report, on a monthly basis, via a separate digital file. The layout, validation program, and delivery date for SPED EFD PIS/COFINS are independent of SPED EFD.

To generate the data required for the EFD PIS/COFINS report file, set up and revise the rules that define whether a record is reported. Run the EFD PIS/COFINS Control Rules Setup (R76B045) to load the initial setup including the rules with the reports, sequence, and versions to configure the EFD PIS/COFINS Processor. To support Brazilian fiscal reporting, use the EFD PIS/COFINS Job Administrator program (P76B040) to execute the series of UBEs that extract the information in a format defined by the law.

Use the Text File Processor program (P007101) to generate the text file that is sent to the government. The system generates a report with data from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables.

However, not all data that the government requires is in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables. Therefore, you must create custom programs to process data that is not included in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables. Then you must update that information to the Electronic Reporting Processing Details (F76B0512) and Electronic Reporting Processing Header (F76B0511) tables. You must include your custom programs when you set up sequencing in the ZJDE0004 version (ePIS Block Setup) of the Electronic Reporting Blocks Setup program (P76B0730).

For the fields that the system does not have any information on, the system provides blank spaces on the final legal report.