Understanding FCI by Item/Supplier for Brazil

When creating a purchase order for items that have imported content, you are required to enter an FCI number. The value in the item origin field determines if the FCI is required, whenever the value selected from the UDC table 76/IO shows a 1 in the first position of the Special Handling Code field.

This program simplifies entering the FCI codes per item for each supplier. When you enter a purchase order for an item from a supplier in a combination that is set up in this program, the system retrieves the FCI number and Import Content recorded for the item/supplier combination.

If you enter a new combination of item, supplier and FCI, the program creates a new record in the FCI by Item Supplier - Brazil table (F76B0410).

Note: If you need a new FCI number for a lot to the same item/branch-plant/location combination as an existing record, you must create a location for the specific item/branch plant combination.