Understanding How to Populate the FCI Text File Register Tables

You run the FCI TXT File Generation by Item (R76B0070) and FCI TXT File Generation by Item/Branch (R76B0071) programs to populate the register tables that the system uses to create the text file that you send to SEFAZ. You populate register tables so that you can review the data before sending it to SEFAZ.

When you run the R76B0070 program, the system reads data from the Tag File F76411 - Item Master table (F76B4101) and writes data to the FCI TXT File Process Header Blocks (F76B0070) and FCI TXT File Process Detail Blocks (F76B0071) tables. Similarly, when you run the R76B0071 program, the system reads data from the Tag File F76412 - Item Branch Master table (F76B4102) and writes data to the FCI TXT File Process Header Blocks (F76B0070) and FCI TXT File Process Detail Blocks (F76B0071) tables. The F76B0070 and F76B0071 tables are the register tables.

When you run the R76B0070 and R76B0071 programs, the system validates the legal company information. If errors exist in the setup of the legal company, the program stops processing and writes error messages to a PDF file. If errors exist at the item level, the program writes error messages to the PDF and continues processing the items without errors. Oracle recommends that you run the programs in proof mode first so that you can review and fix errors before you run the program in final mode to generate a batch and transaction number for the files.

The R76B0070 and R76B0071 programs generate the text file information in blocks of information. Block 0 includes the legal company information, based on the legal company you specify in the processing options. Block 5 includes the item information. The unit of measure included in block 5 is obtained from the primary unit of measure for the item as set up in your item records. For items included in the text file that reside in the F4101/F76411 tables, the item number is the short item number. For items that reside in the F4102/F76412 tables, the item number included in the text file is a concatenation of the internal item number, the branch plant, and the location. Block 9 include information about the text file.

Important: Be sure to run the Download FCI Information program in final mode before generating additional text files so that the system does not overwrite text file records.