Understanding How to Set Up Blocks for Tax Reporting

Use the Electronic Reporting Block Setup program (P76B0530) to set up the batch programs (UBEs) and versions to run for each block. You set up versions of the UBEs that are provided by Oracle and can also set up versions of the custom UBEs that you create to generate blocks or populate registers for data that does not reside in JD Edward EnterpriseOne software.

When you set up the blocks, you must specify the UBE and versions to run for each block, and also the sequence number in which the system runs the batch programs.

Note: You must run some UBEs in a specific sequence. For example, you must run the UBEs for block 0 prior to running UBEs for any other blocks, so you must set the sequence number for the UBEs for block 0 at a lower sequence number than for other UBEs. Similarly, you must run the UBEs for block 9 and the join block process after you run the UBEs for all other blocks.

See Understanding Blocks, Registers, and Records for Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006.

The system stores data about the setup in the Electronic Reporting Header Blocks (F76B0530) and Electronic Reporting Detail Blocks (F76B0531) tables.