Understanding IPI Legal Framing Codes

Important: Amendment 87 mandates the use of SEFAZ-defined IPI Framing Code values in the NF-e. Prior to the amended legislation, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provided the default value 999 in the invoice to indicate a framing code. SEFAZ has now provided a set of framing code values based on the IPI Tax Situation Code (CST) value. Brazilian law requires that these framing code values are included in the XML of the NF-e.

IPI Legal Framing Codes are three-character SEFAZ-defined codes that identify the category of goods that are IPI taxed. The Brazilian government specifies the codes that apply for each IPI CST.

You set up IPI Legal Framing Codes and associate them with the Transaction Nature, Transaction Suffix, and the IPI Tax Situation Code (CST). The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system retrieves the IPI Legal Framing Code based on the Transaction Nature/Transaction Suffix/IPI Tax Situation Code setup and saves it in the Nota Fiscal Details - Tributary Situations table (F76B012) during PO Receipt generation (P4312BR), NF generation (R76558B), and Standalone NF generation (P7611B).

Note: Customer number field is added as one of the four key fields in the IPI Legal Framing table. This change enables you to create multiple records in the IPI Legal Framing table with the same Transaction Nature, Transaction Suffix, and IPI Tax Situation codes but for different customers.