Understanding IPI Tributary Situation Codes

The IPI tributary situation code identifies the IPI tax regimen. The system automatically calculates the IPI tributary situation code when you run the Generate Outbound Nota Fiscal program (R76558B) or the Nota Fiscal Receipts program (P4312BR). The system determines the IPI tributary situation code based on the following data:

  • A transaction nature value from user-defined code (UDC) table (76/TN) in the F7611B table. The system uses the third and fourth characters from the Special Handling Code field for the transaction nature value.

  • An IPI Reporting Column value from the F7611B table.

  • An IPI Tax Rate value from the F7611B table.

You also have the option to select a hard-coded IPI tributary situation code manually in the Transaction Nature - Brazil program (P7615B). However, if you do set up the IPI tributary situation code manually, the system uses that value instead of automatically calculating it. The system stores the IPI tributary situation code in the IPI Situation by Transaction Nature table (F76B021).

SEFAZ requires a value in the IPI Tributary Situation Code field in the NFe XML file.

Note: Review additional information about the IPI tributary situation codes in the documentation for the applicable release.