Understanding Legal Next Numbers

The system has two types of next numbers:

  1. Classic and Sao Paolo notas fiscais next numbers

  2. National NFe and End Consumer NFCe next numbers

    You set up temporary next numbers for national NFe and NFCe in the Next Numbers program (P0002). Also, you must set up a next number from the block of nota fiscal numbers that are assigned to a company by SEFAZ in the Next Numbers - Nota Fiscal program (P7600B). The system uses the temporary next number from the Next Numbers program and NFe next number from the Next Numbers - Nota Fiscal program when you run the Generate Nota Fiscal program (R76558B). The Generate Nota Fiscal program generates the legal nota fiscal number from the Nota Fiscal Next Number program (P76B007).

    The system stores the NFe next number information in the Nota Fiscal Legal Next Number table (F76B007).