Understanding NFe Access Authorization

Beginning with the layout version 3.10 of the NFe XML file, companies can include an additional optional section in the XML file to specify additional people to be able to access the information provided to the government authorities in the NFe XML file that they transmit to the SEFAZ. This list can include accountants, carriers, or any other person the company deems appropriate. The only requirement is to inform the authorized persons to the SEFAZ in a list included in the XML file that the system generates. Authorized persons can access the XML file from the SEFAZ website after the company sends the XML file.

The system provides two different methods to include authorized persons in the NFe XML file:

  • Use the NFe Access Authorized Person program (P76B0112) to add authorized persons associated to the address book records that you use when entering fiscal notes (for company, carrier, Ship To, and Ship From entities). Whenever you enter a nota fiscal using any of these records, the associated authorized persons are listed automatically as the authorized persons for that nota fiscal.

    This program creates the records for authorized persons in the NFe Access Authorized Person for Brazil (F76B0112).

  • Use the Authorized Persons by Nota Fiscal program (P76B1020) to add, modify, or delete records of authorized persons to access a nota fiscal XML file in particular, that the system stores in the Authorized Person by Nota Fiscal (F76B1020) table.

For example, you can use the NFe Access Authorized Persons program (P76B0112) to set up two authorized persons for the company 0001, one for Carrier A, two for the Ship To address book record B, and one for the Ship From address book record C. If you enter a fiscal note that involves the company 0001 and the Carrier A, the Authorized Persons by Nota Fiscal program (P76B1020) lists the three authorized persons entered (one for Carrier A and two for the company 0001), and enables adding additional authorized persons specifically for that fiscal note.