Understanding Nota Fiscal Numbering for Purchase Transactions

You might use any of four types of nota fiscal numbers when you process purchase transactions in Brazil. Previously, you obtained a block of numbers and a series number to number your notas fiscais. You can obtain unique nota fiscal numbers from the fiscal authorities when you use electronic nota fiscal processing.

The five nota fiscal number types are:

  • Classic, or traditional

    For classic notas fiscais for sales order transactions, the nota fiscal numbering scheme includes a six-digit number from a block of numbers that you obtain from the fiscal authorities along with a two-character nota fiscal series number. When you issue a classic nota fiscal for purchase transactions, you obtain the nota fiscal number and series from the supplier's invoice.

  • Electronic nota fiscal for São Paulo

    You obtain an electronic nota fiscal number for São Paulo transactions when you electronically process notas fiscais for transactions that occur in São Paulo. The unique, eight-character string is sent to you by the fiscal authority. The fiscal authority also sends an eight-character access key that you use to validate the nota fiscal number when you use the number.

  • National electronic nota fiscal (NF-e or NFe) and End Consumer electronic nota fiscal (NFC-e or NFCe)

    You obtain a nota fiscal number for a transaction when you electronically process notas fiscais. The electronic nota fiscal number for end consumers and national transactions is 12 characters: 9 digits for the number and 3 characters for the series. The fiscal authority also sends a 44-digit access key that you use to validate the nota fiscal number when you use the number.

  • Telephone industry nota fiscal

    For telephone industry notas fiscais for sales transactions, the nota fiscal numbering scheme includes a number from a block of numbers that you obtain from the fiscal authorities. The number consists of a 13-character numeric string. For purchase transactions, you obtain the nota fiscal number from the supplier's invoice.

  • (Release 9.2)Electronic nota fiscal for Services

    For nota fiscal references for the services provided by small companies, you obtain the nota fiscal for services (NFS-e) recepit with an access key from fiscal authorities. The access key includes a nota fiscal legal number and a nota fiscal number.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software enables you to enter the different nota fiscal numbers and access keys (verification numbers) in the applications in which you must enter the nota fiscal number. This table shows the validations that the system performs and where the system stores the numbers when you enter nota fiscal numbers:

Nota Fiscal Type


Data Stored

Classic nota fiscal

The nota fiscal number is six numeric characters.

The series is two alphanumeric characters.

The nota fiscal number and series are stored in the Nota Fiscal Header (F7601B) and Nota Fiscal Detail (F7611B) tables.

National electronic nota fiscal (NF-e) and End Consumer electronic nota fiscal (NFC-e).

The nota fiscal number has nine numeric characters followed by three alpha characters for the series.

The access key has 44 numeric characters. Its last digit corresponds to the check digit.

The entire nota fiscal number is stored in the NF Legal Number field NFe Header (F76B01TE) table. The last six digits of the nota fiscal number are stored in the NF Number field in the F7601B and F7611B tables, and the last two alpha characters of the series are stored in the NF Series field in the F7601B and F7611B tables.

The access key is stored in the F76B01TE table.

São Paulo electronic nota fiscal

The nota fiscal number is eight numeric characters.

The access key has eight alphanumeric characters.

The entire nota fiscal number is stored in the NF Legal Number field F76B01TE table. The last six digits of the nota fiscal number are stored in the NF Number field in the F7601B and F7611B tables.

The system completes the NF Series field with 0 in the F7601B and F7611B tables.

The access key is stored in the F76B01TE table.

Nota fiscal for telephone industry

The nota fiscal number has 13 numeric characters.

The entire nota fiscal number is stored in the NF Legal Number field in the F76B01TE table. The last six digits of the nota fiscal number are stored in the NF Number field in the F7601B and F7611B tables.

The system completes the NF Series field with 0 in the F7601B and F7611B tables.

(Release 9.2)Nota fiscal for Services

The nota fiscal number has 13 numeric characters.

The access key has a 50-digit numeric code.

The system removes the leading zeros from the NF legal Number and stores this number in the Nota Fiscal Number field in the F7601B and F7611B tables

The system extracts the nota fiscal legal number and nota fiscal number from the access key for the nota fiscal for services.